
Yuan (Friedrich) Qiu
Math & CS @Williams '24 | NSF RIPS-UCLA' 23
CEE RSI-MIT'18 | Ross Math-Ohio State Univesity'18
Email: yq1@williams.edu
Address: Williamstown, MA 01267, USA
GitHub: friedrichq@163.com
Hobbies: Fencing, Playing Football, Rowing, Video Games and Cooking.


Research Interests:
Number Theory, Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Analysis, Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithms, Quantum Computing, Theory of Computation, Data Structure, Deep Learning.

Benchmarking Quantum Chemistry Circuit Costs for Near Term Quantum Computers Summer 2023-Present
RIPS REU# Funded by NSF and IBM UCLA Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics
Advisor: Dr. Scott Smart, Dr. Ieva Liepuoniute, Dr. Bibek Pokharel, Dr. Mirko Amico UCLA and IBM Quantum, Almaden

Max-Right: A Greedy Gray Code for Restricted Growth Strings with Loopless Algorithms Jun 2023-Present
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Aaron Williams, Williams College

Generating Signed Permutations by Twisting Two-Sided Ribbons Apr 2023-Dec 2023
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Aaron Williams, Williams College

Honors Thesis on Greedy and Speedy: New Iterative Gray Code Algorithms Sep 2023-Present
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Aaron Williams, Williams College

Linear Recurrences of Order at Most Two in Nontrivial Small Divisors and Large Divisors Summer 2022
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Steven Miller, Williams College

Polymath Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Number Theory Summer 2021
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Steven Miller, Williams College

Irregularities in Distribution of Pythagorean Triples Sep 2023-Present
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Kalmynin, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Exploring Properties of Twin Primes and Brun’s Theorem Sep 2023-Mar 2024
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Steven Miller, Williams College

Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithm Model in Business Decision Jan 2023-Apr 2023
Advisor: Profs. Munther Dahleh and Bhaskar Pant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

RSI Scholar: Exploring Admissible Complexes of the Radon Transform over Finite Field Summer 2018
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Eric Grinberg, CEE Research Science Institute at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ross Math Summer Camp Participant: Number Theory Summer 2018
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Shapiro, Ohio State University


Yuan Qiu1, Sudatta Hor1, Ellen Chlachidze1, Triet Ha1, Expressibility of Quantum Circuits for Chemistry, to appear in JMM 2024, January 3-5, 2024 (Poster).
Yuan Qiu1, Sudatta Hor1, Ellen Chlachidze1, Triet Ha1, Benchmarking Quantum Chemistry Circuit Costs for Near Term Quantum Computers, IBM Quantum Group Symposium in Almaden, August 2023; UCLA IPAM RIPS Symposium, August 2023 (Oral). According to the IPAM RIPS REU Regulations, our research can not be published publicly.
(PI) Yuan Qiu1, Aaron Williams1, Generating Signed Permutations by Twisting Two-Sided Ribbons, arXiv 2311.06974, November 2023; Accepted to Latin American Theoretical Informatics (LATIN) 2024, March 18-22, 2024.
(PI) Yuan Qiu1, Aaron Williams1, Max-Right: A Greedy Gray Code for Restricted Growth Strings with Loopless Algorithms, 35th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms ( IWOCA) 2024, Submitted, July 1-4, 2024.
(PI) Yuan Qiu1, Aaron Williams1, Greedy and Speedy: New Iterative Gray Code Algorithms, Honors Thesis Proposal Colloquium at the Department of Computer Science, Williams College, February 09, 2024 (Oral).
• Liyang Shen1, Hùng Viêt Chu2, Kevin Huule3, Steven J. Miller4, Yuan Qiu5, Linear Recurrences of Order at Most Two in Nontrivial Small Divisors and Large Divisors, Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory (CANT) 2023, May 23-26, 2023 (Oral).
Yuan Qiu, Exploring Properties of Twin Primes and Brun’s Theorem, Mathematics Colloquium at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Williams College, February 19, 2024 (Oral).
Yuan Qiu, Alexander Kalmynin, Irregularities in Distribution of Pythagorean Triples, paper in preparation.
Yuan Qiu1, Eric Grinberg1, Exploring Admissible Complexes of the Radon Transform over Finite Field, S.-T. Yau High School Science Award in Mathematics (Second Prize), November 1-7, 2018 (Oral); CEE Research Science Institute Symposium-M.I.T. (Oral).


Mathematics and Statistics Department of Williams College Fall 2023
TA for Math 150-Multivariable Calculus instructed by Prof. Stewart Johnson at Williams College in Fall 2023
Work closely with professor to develop appropriate teaching methods and skills
Tutor and assist students individually or in groups to grasp and reinforce concepts, theorem and provide help to master assignments during office hours
Grade homework for Math 150 & exams, and observe and evaluate students’ performance
Attend department meetings and report on students’ progress